Joints are composed, among other things, of bones and cartilage that come together to allow a range of movements. Younger people rarely experience any issues with significant wear and tear. However, as we age, some of the components that support the joints can suffer damage.
The articular cartilage is one such substance that performs an important function in joints. The bones are protected by articular cartilage, which is a slippery substance that helps to prevent friction during movement. Without this protective seal, the bones would rub together and begin to wear down.
Articular Cartilage Defect
As you age, the articular cartilage can degrade naturally. The pace at which this occurs will depend on genetic factors, damage from injury or diseases that impact bone or joint health. The result is pain, discomfort and reduced range of motion in the affected joint.
If you are experiencing the symptoms of articular cartilage defect, Robotic Hip and Knee Replacement LA offers treatment. Our solutions combine a conservative approach in early stage degeneration with advanced surgical techniques where appropriate.
A common cause of articular cartilage defect is injury to the knee. As a load bearing joint, the components of the knees are vulnerable to damage. If you are active in a work or sporting capacity, you may suffer greater risk of developing long-term impacts from knee conditions.
Restore or Repair Articular Cartilage in LA
The symptoms of articular cartilage defects vary from patient to patient. Inflammation, pain, limited range of movement and a crunching sensation when bending the knee are sure indicators that you should seek diagnosis and treatment.
This condition is potentially degenerative, in that the other components of the knee will suffer damage. Restoration or repair of the articular cartilage can slow down or eliminate further degeneration. The team at Robotic Hip and Knee Replacement LA will support you throughout your treatment and recovery.
The first step toward rehabilitation involves a consultation with one of our orthopedic specialists. We will conduct a thorough examination of the affected knee to determine the extent of damage. Our goal is to restore as much natural mobility as possible through a range of treatment methodologies.
Call Robotic Hip and Knee Replacement LA to book your initial appointment with an articular cartilage specialist.
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8436 West 3rd Street Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Phone: (310) 792-9300
Email: fk@docsspineortho.com
Mon - Fri 8AM - 5PM